Score an oval into each quadrant, leaving about a half-inch border be careful not to cut the pastry all the way through. Slice the pastry into quarters and transfer the rectangles to a parchment-lined sheet tray. These glazed triple berry tartlets were a big hit with. While that heats up, defrost 1 sheet store-bought puff pastry on its paper liner for about 10 minutes, until it feels more like pliable dough and less like a shield. The tart lemon glaze made these little beauties extra special and paired nicely with the sweet berries. The “recipe” takes less than 30 minutes from start to finish, requires only a handful of ingredients, and makes good use of whatever past-its-prime fruit you’ve got lying around.

Tip: I use a combination of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Place the berries in a colander and rinse well, then transfer to a medium size bowl. Don’t worry about the edges being perfect. On a clean, dry cutting board sprinkle a small amount of flour to prevent sticking and lay down your sheet of defrosted puff pastry. In a mixing bowl, combine the berries, sugar, cornstarch and salt and stir together to combine. These days Mum’s pies are my preferred dinner party dessert. Create Roll the defrosted puff pastry out onto a baking sheet (I’m actually using a rectangular pizza stone) to smooth the creases. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
Puff pastry berry tart recipe how to#
Find out how to make twisted corner berry tartlets with crme fraiche with. I evoke them every time my meditation app insists: Go to your happy place. Puff Pastry Tart Recipes Breakfast Pastries Pastries of the World. Memories of eating these little tarts with melty vanilla ice cream, pools of hot custard, or fluffy peaks of whipped cream are imprinted on my inner child brain like a wax seal. My favorite invention born of these genetic compulsions: her super-simple flaky-jammy puff pastry pies. How to Make a Strawberry Tart with Puff Pastry Preheat oven to 400F On a parchment lined baking sheet, roll out the puff pastry dough to a large rectangle. Unsurprisingly, Ma applies this unfussy attitude to dessert. And you best believe she cuts up my dad’s old work shirts to use as cleaning rags. It uses puff pastry to make a perfectly flaky crust, and only needs plums and honey for the filling. She requests only the gift of my presence on birthdays. My mum is the kind of lady who packs one pair of pants for a weeklong vacation.

Welcome to It’s That Simple, a column where we talk you through the dishes and drinks we can make with our eyes closed. The only thing better than a good recipe? When something’s so easy you don’t even need one.