2 of cups tarot
2 of cups tarot

2 of cups tarot

Most commonly the suit of cups deals with love and emotions (think of your emotions flowing like a river), but it is a mistake to only assume a tarot card means one thing. Generally speaking, the upright Two of Cups brings an energy of joy, abundance, and positivity to your tarot reading. They may be looking for a way out of the relationship or ready to move on due to the lack of trust and harmony present. Reversed, however, the Two of Cups means they don’t see you as a positive partner. Upright, they may also be searching for their soul mate or twin flame in order to experience true happiness and fulfillment within the relationship. They may be seeking someone to build a positive relationship with, where both parties feel heard and appreciated. If you want to know what someone wants out of a relationship, the Two of Cups suggests that they are looking for a deep emotional connection and respect. The Two of Cups As What Someone Wants From You

2 of cups tarot

It is important to try to reconnect in order to regain the harmony and balance that had been present before. They may not trust you and could be having issues with anger, aggression or even health problems due to the strained relationship. When reversed, however, the Two of Cups indicates that the other person’s feelings are not so positive. They may even feel like they have a soul connection to you or view you as their twin flame. If you want to know what the other person thinks of you, the Two of Cups upright suggests that the other person sees you favorably and has a lot of respect for you. Bullying, arguments and fights may be present as well. There could be an imbalance in power within relationships, leading to dominance and abuse.

2 of cups tarot

When reversed, however, the Two of Cups indicates a disconnection from each other. The love felt between people is strong and positive, and there may even be proposals of marriage or wedding plans in the works. There is mutual attraction between people and respect for each other’s feelings. When it appears upright in a reading, the Two of Cups indicates that everything is in balance and harmony when it comes to relationships. This could be with a significant other, platonic friends, or even yourself.

2 of cups tarot

If you want to know what someone is feeling, the Two of Cups means there is a deep emotional and spiritual connection present. Reversed: disconnection, imbalance, unhappy couples, breakups, divorce, losing friendships, dominance, abuse, bullying, arguments, fights, aggression, bad relationships, lack of trust, health issues, lack of harmony Upright: partnership, love, balance, harmony, mutual attraction, equality, proposals, marriage, wedding, respect, emotional connection, positive relationships, happy couples, soul mate, twin flame, soul connections, positive energy, deep respect, deep emotions That way you can make sure you’re maximizing your potential.


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2 of cups tarot